
Dreading the long-haul flight to Australia? We don’t blame you, there’s a reason why us Aussies don’t go on short holidays overseas. We have to make the 24-hour flight worth it! With some preparation and a few essentials, you can make the journey just that bit easier. Here are our best tips!

Before the Flight:

Choose the Right Seat:

Are you window or aisle? This is a crucial choice for any long-haul flight. Choosing the right seat for you may seem a bit tedious, but it can make the biggest difference! Pick the seat that’s most comfortable for you (avoid the middle seat if you’re travelling solo), and if you’re feeling a bit generous, buy the seat with extra leg room (or charm the airline check-in staff.)


Just to ease your nerves, do your last-minute checks! Reconfirm your flight details, hostel bookings, transport etc!

Pack Your Carry-On Bag with Essentials:

We all have different ideas on what’s the Carry-On Essentials, we’ll give you the basics and some extra tips to make your flight breezy!

Travel Pillow: A MUST! Unless you want to have the worst neck pain when you arrive in Australia, grab yourself a decent pillow so you can catch some Z’s!

Snacks: For the fussy eaters who claim airplane food sucks (it doesn’t), make sure you pack some of your favourite snacks!

Toiletries: Want to feel super fresh walking off the plane? Carry the toiletry essentials that will make you feel revived. Think toothpaste/toothbrush, lip balm, moisturiser, roll-on deodorant etc. 

Important Documents: If you forget anything in your carry-on, don’t let it be this! Make sure you pack your passport, ID, visa (if needed), boarding pass, and any credit/debit/travel cards. 

Portable Charger: Yes, you can charge your phone on a plane, and have options to charge your phone at the airport during layover. However, this is where some of our travel hacks come in handy. Just to be extra cautious, it’s super important to carry. You never know when you’re going to need to charge your phone

Change of clothes: Don’t be that person that wears the exact same clothes for 24+ hours! Wear your comfiest clothes for the flight, and pack extra clothes so you’re in clean clothes when you land! Another tip is pack a few extra bits and pieces just in case your luggage gets lost!

And of course, AirPods and a water bottle to refill!

During the Flight

Stay Active: May sound impossible when you’re strapped in on a plane, but make sure you stretch every now and again! During layovers, take advantage of the space. Take a hot lap around the terminal and get your steps in. Layovers are also great to really stretch out your body before the next haul. Make the most of the bathrooms as well during layovers to do your skin routine!

Entertainment: Most airlines offer in-flight entertainment with a wide selection of movies and tv shows. Just in case, make sure you have some of your favourites downloaded on your phone/iPad/laptop!

Rest: You’re stuck on this flight for quite some time, so you may as well try to get some sleep. It may seem super uncomfortable to sleep upright at first, bit eventually you’ll get used to it!

After the Flight:

Adjust to the Time Zone: Jet lag can be a real challenge when flying across multiple time zones. To help your body adjust, try to align your sleep schedule with the local time as soon as possible. If you land in Australia during the day, try to stay awake by going for walks, exploring the city, doing touristy activities! It feels impossible, but you can do it!

Rehydrate, Refuel, and Reconnect: After a long flight, your body will need plenty of fluids and nutritious food to replenish lost energy. Drink plenty of water and try to eat well! Take a shower once you’ve checked into your accommodation and contact friends and family back home to let them know you survived!

Surviving the flight to Australia is all about preparation, comfort, and self-care. By following these tips and essentials before, during, and after the flight, you can make the journey that much more comfortable and arrive at your destination feeling semi- refreshed. Get ready to explore all that Australia has to offer!

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